Thursday, September 13, 2012

a $40,000 turkey sandwich

 For the past two and a half  years David has been receiving Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, and ABA Therapy. It usually costs around a thousand dollars a week not including gas and travel time. We have had many milestones through therapy. We have seen David grow from using a picture book and sign language to communicate to carrying on conversations at a 30-36 month level! We have witnessed David having to have therapy in an isolated gym to now having good friends work with him that he calls by name! BUT, Today, September 12th, 2012, we had a milestone of gigantic proportions . HE ATE A TURKEY SANDWICH!!!!!!!!! Two slices of white bread, two slices of turkey, and some good ol' miracle whip. I cried as I watched my son pick up a triangle and precede to eat as if he hasn't eaten the same thing for the past 2 years. He has not added a new food to his list in over two years!

sorry its sideways....David eating his sandwich in Ms. Heidi's office

I quietly sobbed as the feeding therapist added a slice of Kraft American cheese to his plate. I watched amazed as he crammed the whole thing in his mouth. I have seen friends make sandwiches and place cheese on plates and always had a pang of regret that i couldn't just do that with him. I had to have perfectly square crackers that weren't to dark or, heaven forbid, chipped. This is just a milestone that I can't even explain how much it means to me. I will gladly keep paying the cost of therapy to see my beautiful boy make these changes and adjust to the life I know he can lead. I hope this is an encouragement to others to not give up but to have patient diligence with whatever you are working to overcome. You never know, you might just end up with a $40,000 turkey sandwich!

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