Tuesday, January 22, 2013

my cup runneth over..

As I sit here and write this post, I have tears running down my face. Psalms 23 is a popular Bible passage that many people often quote. I couldn't think of a better verse other than Psalm 23:5 to describe my feelings today, "...He anoints my head with oil, my cup runneth over."  I am humbled, awed, and thankful for a God that hears and answers prayers.

At night, David often falls asleep quickly (thanks to medication) and I have the opportunity to observe and cherish looking at him in such a peaceful state. It is during this quiet times that I have taken to laying hands on my first-born and praying for him. Sometimes it' s handing his life back into Gods hands and asking him for his will to be done. Other times, it's interceding on his behalf for healing. Last night, I prayed for a specific request that David would be able to make friends at school.

His teacher confided in me last week that although David was adjusting well to the new class, he had yet to make friends. I think any parent wants their child to not only be healthy but happy. Social skills are very hard for ASD (autism spectrum disorder) children to develop. We work on social situations in behavioral therapy and occupational therapy and have been for two years. I have been to seminars on this specific subject and read many books. We often can't go out of the house for weeks at a time because he can't handle being out in public, other times he does great! Its really a day-by-day situation.

This weighs heavy on my heart because I know how amazing and wonderful he is, I just want everyone else to know that too! He is funny, sweet, observant, and tenderhearted. These qualities are often over-looked in others and the crazy, outlandish behavior is commented on. I think its important to be well-adjusted and not necessarily popular, but at least have some peers his own age that he can relate to and play with, so when his teacher told me he didn't have friends, I was upset.

Today, the day after I laid hands on him and prayed, his teacher came up to me in car-line and told me that David made two friends at school!! Mrs. Albert said that she had been encouraging two boys, Nathan and Chris, who have similar behavior (quiet) to interact with David. She told me that today they actually spoke, ran around, laughed, and played today! MY CUP RUNNETH OVER! Nathan and David walked out today and when I asked him if he had a good day playing with Nathan, he gave me a shy smile:)

I know this road is long and hard. I know there are victories and obstacles. I celebrate each milestone he overcomes and cry over each hurdle. This is just one of the many things I know he can overcome and succeed at! He continues to amaze me at the things he can accomplish and my heart swells with pride! It renews my faith that our Creator is in control over his life and hears our prayers! Please continue to pray for this new friendship and for David to have the confidence he needs in order to make new friends.Psalms 23:6, "For surely goodness and mercy shall follow David all the days of his life, and David will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.Amen"

my sweet David

Thursday, January 17, 2013

the HULK!

It seems to me that I am in a constant in a state of observation. Most of my day is spent watching and analyzing every aspect of David's life. Trying to figure out if his medication is working, if he's hungry, or about to have a meltdown. Sometimes he completely surprises me, like the other day, he played with his cousin for five hours straight without any conflict! I was like, "Is it the medicine, a fluke, or just a great day?!" It's hard when he has the vocabulary and mental state of a three year old, yet a body of a five year old. He can't tell me if he likes his medicine or if he's having an "off" day.

The last time I wrote we were trying to decide if we should start a new ADHD medicine called Intuniv. Well, we are three medications past that now! Intuniv worked too well :) He slept 17 hours straight on it! As much as I enjoyed the break, it was obvious that he couldn't function on it. After we took him off that we tried Ritalin, a stimulant ADHD medicine. We received mixed results and after several consultations with his psychiatrists and teachers and four weeks on it, we decided that the stimulant medicine is the right way to go, but we were going to switch brands.

The stimulant gave him the control he needed over his body and movement but the side affects were really hard on him. He would turn into the Hulk! Think tiny angry person (not green, though)! Very aggressive in his tone and language, anti-social to a degree. So here we were back to the drawing board of what behavior do we want to deal with. Out of control behavior, yet happy; or calm and angry. After researching and talking with some other moms, we decided to try Focalin. Focalin is a stimulant ADHD medicine that is in the same family as Ritalin but without all the side effects. First week but we like it so far!

This doesn't mean that he is one hundred percent all the time, and I wouldn't necessarily want that from him! I love his challenges and personality but I do think he needs help with control. He has so much to offer everyone and when his body allows him, is really a sweet and gentle boy. He has had so many accomplishments and I really think we are slowly, yet surely, figuring it out.

He started this semester at school in a regular head-start pre-school class! Twenty-two students, two teachers, and David has his own Special-Ed parapro (facilitator) that works one-on-one with him in class! As nervous as I was, He has stepped up to the plate and knocked it out of the park! His teacher told me that  he is adjusting smoothly and really trying hard to fit in! I couldn't be more proud of him! I'm hoping that he will model some of the behavior from the "neuro-normal" kids and learn how to interact better with kids his own age.

Its a long hard journey, but we are making progress one day at a time:)

here are some photos of him ACTUALLY sitting still (very rare) with some of his favorite people!

Sitting still with "hannie" Anne:) 
Sitting still with "Tio" Uncle Adam 
Sitting still with "Nana" Nancy 

Sitting still with "Grampaw" Grampy Nelson